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Internet Marketing

In the above photos you’ll see my two dogs Alfie (small Miniature Pincher) and Dota (Doberman), and my girlfriend of many years Grace.

From a young age I was heavily fascinated by the concept of business and technology. I began designing websites within the Gaming industry from the age of 14. At the age of 17 I began a small website design practice. I use the word “practice” because at that time it was a very small operation with only 3 employees, and non registered. After a year or so of sorting out the unknowns I decided to federally incorporate, begin hiring and later building clientèle.

In the early stages of my web design company I was in college for business administration and marketing. To be completely honest I found schooling, or perhaps that particular school/program, to be a complete waste of time and money. I heavily believe that one can self educate themselves in many aspects of business, technology, and life. Of course some forms of schooling are absolutely essential in the development of one’s career; take Medical Doctors for instance, I certainly wouldn’t want a self-taught doc looking me over in the hospital!

One day I woke up and decided that I was done with it all and left college to fully pursue what I knew best. Oddly enough I only required 3 more credits to complete my 3 year term, but when I make such decisions, they are carefully thought-out, I never hesitate to act, and I never have regrets. Without risk there is no reward,  and a life without risk means a life without challenge; who would want to live a life without challenge? Really think about it… With every new challenge there presents a new opportunity to overcome it and grow.

After 5 years of operating the business I had built a strong clientèle  and a conservative revenue stream. In April 2009 I decided that I wanted to go in a different direction after being in the website design industry for 7 years. During my time with the business I had helped launch hundreds of successful websites in all sorts of industries.

In May 2009 I sold the corporation, and due to a 1 year non compete clause in that industry, began offering business and online marketing consulting services while opening a few offline small businesses to test various industry sectors.

Over the years I have also sold a few social networking websites/businesses with profitable and mutually beneficial agreements.

I’m currently a YouTuber, and the Creative Director for Thoughtmedia.com, a web design, graphic design, and photography company. With year’s experience, plenty of colleagues, affiliates and media partners the company has grown quite rapidly. I’m also the lead Strategist for statusboom Inc., a search engine optimization and social media marketing company.

All of my involvements, investments, and partnerships are outlined on the What I do page.

In short, I’ve owned and operated a handful of small to medium sized businesses, assisted in acquisitions, and I’m currently a Internet marketing consultant. I have built my business network up substantially over the years and have made hundreds of strong, and essential contacts to assist my clients with their operations and my own.

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