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Technology is More than a Friend to Your Business. It’s the Foundation!

Most businesses in Canada, the USA and North America as a whole lag behind the world on integrating technology within their business. I’m going to tell you about a type of business that’s not.

Lost Dog Recovery Services.

Technology Integration in your website

To see one of these services in action is not only a heart yanking tear jerk-er, it’s a technological marvel. With a phone call, or a few clicks, someone who’s lost their dog begins the service. The Finding company then utilizes every scrap of technology it can get its collective fingers on to get the word out. Getting the word out is very targeted. Only the local Veterinary Offices, Pet Stores, Rescue Groups and Animal Shelters are notified. Depending on the package purchased they get notified via print media, social media and by phone. Texts are sent out to mobile phones within the search area. Photos and information regarding the lost dog is blasted, but only locally, across social media sites where users then forward it to their own list of followers. A lost dog and owner can be reunited within three hours of the initial call or click. I know someone to which it happened.

Imagine what your business could do with that level of technological integration.

Technology IntegrationThere are a vast array of technological tools, such as websites and social media, available that are simply ignored by business owners. Those few companies who do use them are accelerating far past their competition. Technologically advanced hardware, such as smart phones, are becoming readily available and people are using them.

A favored statistic often bantered about is that over eighty percent of all purchases were researched online before they were bought. If you don’t have a website (mobile friendly please!) then you are scrambling around for the disposable income of only twenty percent of the population. More products and services are being purchased online. Amazon’s 1-click shopping makes the whole online buying experience amazingly simple. A purchase can be made with only one click of the touch pad. One click! If you’re company doesn’t offer something similar you’re in danger of becoming a dinosaur to technology.

If websites are where purchases occur, then social media is where people are referring each other to those websites. According to PCWorld.com having images of your products on Pintrest increases the likelihood that they’ll be bought. People create wish lists on various social media sites for birthdays and holidays. If you don’t have a website or other social media presence then you will not be on those wish lists.

It’ is fast becoming the time for businesses to become technologically integrated or they’re going to become lost in the dust of their competetors who are. It may take an investment of both time and money but the return of continued success will be well worth it.

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