With Thousands Of Internet Marketing Experts How Do You Choose?
The amount of online users is growing substantially year over year. According to the International Telecommunications Union, at least 39 percent of people use the Internet today, a large increase from the 16 percent using the Internet in 2005. These numbers will only go up, up, UP!
The Internet is spreading to developing countries, as Internet use in developing nations rose to 31 percent this year. This growth is attributed to companies (such as Google) bringing new Internet service to developing nations.
Google is now planning to bring their Fiber Internet service to Africa and other emerging markets. The company plans to implement free ‘wide-area wireless Internet connectivity’ using wireless blimps that will transmit the service across nations. Want to learn more? Checkout: Google Deploying WiFi Blimps in Africa and Asia
Google’s efforts are just one example highlighting the growth of the Internet. As more people get online every day, businesses can’t continue to ignore their potential growth if using Internet and social media marketing.
Social Media and Curating Content?
‘Newer’ social sites like Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and Vine have grown to accommodate millions of daily users, fulfilling their need to communicate with each other.
Businesses can communicate with those same people. Take Instagram as an example, the mobile-friendly photo sharing platform allows people to share and sort photos together. With the introduction of their Vine-like video sharing feature, people are now sharing Instagram videos—though, how does that apply to businesses?
Instagram’s video sharing feature is now attracting ‘twice as many brands‘ as Vine. Its reach can be attributed to the presence of many brands already using Instagram for their marketing purposes. People were able to find their Vine-like videos, which further promoted those businesses.
Another important aspect of Internet marketing involves curating content. Content curation encompasses the process ‘where people create, gather and share their content with others.’ Sites like Squidoo, Scoop.it and even Tumblr promote content curation in social spaces on the web. The Web Design Company I work for (Thought Media) actually has a client that we created the branding and website for – MindsPages; this site actually serves a similar purpose to the above noted content aggregation sites.
Content curation can help businesses ensure that they’re ‘always producing relevant and interesting content for their users.’ Sharing information in new, yet effective ways drives the success found in many digital marketing campaigns today. Staying on top of the news and movements or disruptions within any businesses industry or niche can really help a constant flow of content.
Choosing an Internet Marketing Expert
The success found in many digital marketing campaigns isn’t only attributed to the business itself, but to the creativity and implementation of the campaign. For online marketing, I’d advise any business to consider hiring a digital marketing expert such as myself that can help determine what a business needs to succeed and the best strategy to do so. I have been in the online marketing field for over 14 years now and can help businesses achieve exponential growth in terms of brand awareness/online visibility.
Remember—not everyone can have a large “reach” on the Internet, however with my help a business can achieve the best results possible at very reasonable costs when compared to conventional methods of advertising and marketing. If you have a business and are looking to talk marketing – Give me a Shout!