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The Social Media Era is Approaching, Get in it!

There’s no denying the overwhelming prevalence of smartphones and tablets in our everyday lives. Analyst powerhouse Gartner predicts 1.2 million of these smart devices will be sold throughout the year 2013. With more mobile devices in the hands of the average consumer, so too will there be more apps and advertising trends to chase on a regular basis. Is your business ready to keep up with the fast pace of social media marketing or will you fall behind your many competitors?

More smart devices means plenty of users with easy access to the big social media hubs and plenty of chances for every business to make contact with potential customers. With users and companies alike looking for new ways to make contact online, it’s no wonder we’ve developed a sort of virtual business world through all of these social media outlets. Just yesterday Facebook announced “Facebook Home” on Android (Checkout my YouTube reaction of the Live Stream), which further emphasizes the growth of Social Media and mobile devices.

Social Media Networking Site LogosIf you hope to run a successful ad campaign, social media management is going to have to be a part of it. You’re going to need to keep tabs on and properly make use of a vast network of social sites, some of the most popular being: facebook, twitter, foursquare, instagram, linkedin, google+, Pinterest, and tumblr (but there are many, many more, some of which can be quite niche and extremely helpful to the right businesses). What you might consider doing is picking up these two great tools to get you started: Hootsuite, and Klout.

Business Social Media Marketing StrategyEach of the above social sites has a unique demographic and character all its own, although there is plenty of user overlap between many of them. Learning the draws, user base, strengths, and weaknesses of all of these social media sites is crucial to making the most of social media marketing. Ensure that you’re reaching out to the right audience through the best possible channels by lining your business’ own niche with that of the correct social site or sites.

If social media isn’t a central part of your online marketing strategy, you’re already behind! Engaging with potential customers by listening to what they have to say about you and replying with thoughtful messages that still represent your brand appropriately.

The keys to social media advertising now and in the future is to engage, entertain, and inform your customers all at the same time. It may sound daunting, but social media sites already provide the tools to make this possible but it’s up to you to translate your brand imagine to one that will not only survive but thrive in the world of social media and online marketing going forward.

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